How to Raise an Intuitive Eater

Responsive Feeding sets the stage for raising kids who are in tune with their body πŸ™Œ

As a dietitian, I’ve spent years supporting women trying to untangle the toxicity of diet culture they’ve adopted.

Women desperate not to pass on any “food stuff” to their kids

Women committed to raising kids who eat “normally” without rules, calories or points

Women who have struggled with food and body image their entire lives

Often during pregnancy, my clients would ask “What can I do help make sure I raise my child without passing on the judgements I’ve worked so hard to let go of?”

My answer? We can start from the very beginning with our babies by practicing responsive feeding. Responsive feeding and intuitive eating go hand in hand and are the foundation of creating the secure base the women I work with crave for themselves in their own relationship with food.

Responsive Feeding Supports:

⭐ A secure parent/child attachment

⭐ Establishing internal regulation of hunger cues

⭐ Setting a foundation for a robust milk supply

⭐ Longer breastfeeding duration

You can practice responsive feeding with your baby by:

βœ”οΈ Responding to your babies feeding cues promptly (I call it watching your baby not the clock ⏰ )

βœ”οΈ Trusting that your baby to regular their intake of calories on their own (vs putting them on a schedule or limiting feedings)

βœ”οΈ Allowing your baby to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full regardless of how much or how little time they have fed for

Looking for more support to make sure you aren’t passing on the legacy of dieting/disordered eating?

Schedule a nutrition or lactation consultation here to explore your relationship with food & set the stage to raise an intuitive eater.