The holidays are upon us, and I’d thought I’d share a collection of links, shops and courses that center around body positive, size acceptance and empowerment.
My gift giving strategy for those in my life consists of these principles:
Keeping gifts simple yet thoughtful and purchasing with intent
Supporting businesses and organizations that work toward the greater good (yes, I still frequent Nordstrom, but hey, it’s a balance)
Purchasing gifts that are in line with my values (hello, body positive, size acceptance + diversity!)
Check out the following ideas for a loved one, friend or colleague.
Your Body is Awesome: Body Respect for Children
Authored by Sigrun Danielsdottir (Singing Dragon) is a picture book for children ages 4 to 7. Brightly colored illustrations show diverse bodies engaging in a variety of activities.
Authored by Judith Matz (Graceful Cat Press). In most books of this ilk, the child responds to this fat-shaming incident by obediently losing weight, following which they become happy and popular.
Consider purchasing a subscription. The magazine is the only publication written by girls, for girls! Dedicated to raising strong girls in an unequal world. Contributions cover topics such as: activism, girls rights and opinions & health and sexuality. Want to really rock it? Encourage your daughter to contribute her writing, art or ideas- WIN.
Women, Food and God, Geneen Roth
Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole
Daring Greatly + Rising Strong, Brene Brown
Buy all the Brene things.
Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear, Elizabeth Gilbert
Gilbert also authored, Eat Pray Love…so you know it’s going to be a good one.
A Membership to the Female Entrepreneur Association
Carrie Green provides bundles of wonderful information for creative entrepreneurs in any industry. Gifting a membership can help the creative in your life get the new year off to a great start
Out of the Box Ideas
I’ve heard raves about the E- Course Flora Bowley runs. She describes it as a “transformational approach to painting & living,”and the course can be completed completely online, with your supplies
Not just a planner. A way to be intentional about setting your goals and tracking them throughout the whole year. My Day Designer keeps all of the little thoughts that come crashing through my head organized, and has plenty of space for my never ending lists
A Spa Day or Retreat
Nothing says self care like an indulgent spa day or retreat for you and your best!
Gifts for the Young Feminist, from Everyday Feminism
I’m slightly obsessed with their collection. Multicultural, diverse and body positive books and materials for your budding feminist (male or female, ahem).
A wonderful collection of books, toys & movies dedicated to creating smart, confident & courageous girls.
If you come across any other related products or retailers, I would love to hear about them in the comments below!
One Response
I appreciate the thoughtful gift ideas that promote body positivity and empowerment.